Your family & your household

Your family & your household

Your family is your main beacon. Marriage or divorce, adoption and nationality, alimony and custody arrangements, death and inheritance - the practice of family law is very diverse. BAAKN serves as your discrete legal partner throughout all aspects of these matters.

A life together

A life together

When you start a life together with your partner, there are practical and legal matters to address. Are you planning to cohabit or marry, and does that involve renting or owning a home? Are you having children together, or are there children from previous relationships? You can call on BAAKN for all the challenges you, your partner, or your children may encounter.

A life apart

A life apart

Even when a marriage ends, we are here for you.

Whether you choose to separate or not, we protect your interests in the divorce. We also assist in establishing custody arrangements for the children or determining alimony.

Family insurance liability 

Whether your children are getting up to mischief or consider themselves graffiti artists, you knock over a Chinese vase in an antique shop, or your son scores a goal through the neighbor's window, accidents happen. For every situation, there is BAAKN.

Life is not infinite

Life is not infinite

Be prepared and leave your loved ones with fond memories, not disputes. A will or an extensive asset planning. A donation or a special bequest.

We provide you with a well informed range of possibilities.

When you lose someone, the legal aspects can often be a heavy burden that you may not immediately have the strength for, to deal with. BAAKN is there to help everything proceed correctly and calmly.

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