We guide you through the various phases of your company. From articles of association and shareholder agreements at the startup, to acquisitions and transfers or issuing shares. Are you considering a joint venture, a capital increase, or restructuring?
BAAKN offers guidance. We also support you when things get tough. In exclusion, withdrawal, and dispute resolution of and between shareholders and in bankruptcies, we are your solid rock.
BAAKN guides your company, from start to finish, uphill, in a sprint, or in a fall. Are you considering a joint venture, a capital increase, or restructuring: BAAKN takes the lead. We also support you when things get tough. In exclusion or withdrawal of shareholders and in dispute resolution, we are your guide.
More informationEvery contract that a company enters into deserves special attention. A good contract and tight sales conditions are your best insurance.
More informationWhen your invoices remain unpaid, turning to collections is often the only option. Overdue payments affect your business results and are a burden on your administration. BAAKN ensures a fast and correct recovery.
More informationArbeidsrecht begint wanneer u een werknemer aanwerft en eindigt wanneer hij het bedrijf weer verlaat. Maar ook tijdens uw loopbaan als werknemer kunnen er conflicten ontstaan op de werkvloer. Een helder arbeidscontract en arbeidsreglement brengen duidelijkheid voor zowel werkgever als de werknemer. Ook wanneer u een arbeidscontract beëindigt, zijn er bepaalde zaken die u niet over het hoofd mag zien. BAAKN geeft raad zodat werkgever en werknemer weten waar ze aan toe zijn.
More informationAn entrepreneur takes risks in a complex environment. Mistakes lurk around the corner. It can be important to legally test strategic decisions in advance. But even if it is too late and liability threatens, BAAKN will immediately support you and your company.
More informationGDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation and has been generally known as the privacy law since May 2018. This regulation has standardized the rules regarding the processing of personal data. As an entrepreneur, extra efforts are required from you to guarantee the privacy of your contacts. For example, you are obliged to always ask for the consent of the recipient when collecting or using personal data. BAAKN will be happy to answer all your questions.
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