Service provider for the SME portfolio

Service provider for the SME portfolio


BAAKN was recognized as a registered service provider for the SME portfolio

image baakn

After a thorough external and public audit, BAAKN was accepted and registered as a service provider for the SME portfolio and obtained the registration number DV.A248075.

Further on this page, you will find more information on how to use subsidies within the SME portfolio as an entrepreneur.

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Does your business qualify for subsidies within the SME portfolio?

Does your business qualify for subsidies within the SME portfolio?

Every SME or independent professional established in Flanders can obtain subsidies for training and advice.
Your business must be an accepted legal entity and perform a regular legal activity.
Your business must be active in the private sector (the participation of an administrative authority may not be greater than 25%).
Through the link below, you can quickly find out if your business meets the European SME definition and what is considered an acceptable legal form and main activity.

Extra info

For which themes can you apply for advice subsidies from the SME portfolio?

Through the SME portfolio, you can get support for advice from BAAKN. This advice must first fit into one of the following themes:

Determining the direction and structure of a company to achieve its strategic business objectives.

The theoretical or practical knowledge and skills required in a specific technical field to perform the core tasks of a function or profession.

The use of digital technologies, innovations, and data that lead to new activities or changes in existing activities in terms of hardware, software, online applications, and cybersecurity.

An economic system that leads to more efficient use of raw materials, components, and products with respect for the environment and society.

Financial and accounting knowledge required to successfully manage a business.

The introduction of new techniques or insights in response to a specific technological knowledge question about a product, process, or service.

The policy to encourage, support, and promote international entrepreneurship of Flemish companies.

The personnel policy of a company to achieve an effective and functioning labor organization, aimed at the general functioning of an SME, and concerning at least one of these topics: work organization and business processes; competency policy; diversity and non-discrimination policy; evaluation and performance policy; personnel planning; social legislation.

For which themes can you apply for advice subsidies from the SME portfolio?
What types of advice are eligible for support from the SME portfolio?

What types of advice are eligible for support from the SME portfolio?

A broad interpretation is applied to the themes. Only for profession-specific competencies is there a strict list of advice that qualifies.

Written advice and recommendations consisting of an analysis of the problem, actual advice, an implementation plan, and guidance during the implementation.

Written advice and recommendations that consist of identifying, mapping, and exploring opportunities and solutions regarding the company's operations.

"Both pieces of advice aim to grow and stimulate the company."


How does BAAKN work as a service provider for the SME portfolio? 

BAAKN will always start from your specific question or problem and, after analysis, will clearly set out its advice in an implementation plan. You will receive this in a clearly written advisory report, so you can read and store everything calmly.

You can also always trust that this plan is legally correct and in accordance with current jurisprudence.

Concrete examples of topics on which BAAKN can provide advice under the status of SME service provider:

  • The transfer of your company
  • Restructuring of your company
  • Strategic advice concerning a reorganization plan
  • Transfer of a business fund
  • Determining the type of agreements
  • Optimization of ongoing (commercial) contracts
  • Development opportunities for real estate
  • Legal scan and advice on the various intellectual properties within your company
  • Legal audit of social liabilities
  • Legal audit and advice on all questions regarding GDPR
Conditions and rates of advisory services

Conditions and rates of advisory services

The advisory service must have a minimum value of €500.00 (excl. VAT). The application must be submitted within fourteen days after the start of the cooperation.

All conditions and rates of BAAKN are outlined in a written service agreement with BAAKN.

Advice that does NOT qualify:

Advice on ordinary business expenses or legally required services does not qualify. Advice regarding subsidies is also not eligible. Companies in formation also cannot receive support through the SME portfolio.
Examples of non-eligible advice:

  • Dissolution or liquidation of the company
  • Legal procedures
  • Mediation
  • Legal obligations concerning construction aspects

Advice that is not subsidizable under the SME portfolio can still be provided by BAAKN, but not subsidized by the SME portfolio, and thus at the rates and conditions as explained in the lawyer's agreement.

How much is the subsidy?

You can apply for support each year until your personal maximum is reached or until the portfolio's budget is exhausted. The amount of the subsidy depends on the size of your company:

Small enterprise

Training AND advice support percentage:


Support ceiling:


Medium-sized enterprise

Training AND advice support percentage:


Support ceiling:


An increased support percentage applies for advice and training concerning cybersecurity! Small companies receive a 45% contribution, and medium-sized companies receive a 35% contribution. This increased support percentage is automatically applied if you choose the theme 'cybersecurity' in step 2 of the support application.

Are you a small or medium-sized enterprise?

Small enterprise


< 50 FTE*


<= €10,000,000

Balance sheet total:

<= €10,000,000

Medium-sized enterprise


< 250 FTE*


<= €50,000,000

Balance sheet total:

<= €43,000,000

The SME portfolio is based on the date of your first support application. This will then apply for the rest of the calendar year.

If your company is part of a group, be sure to also follow these guidelines.

Questions? Contact our experts!

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